
  • 2GF Innovation Systems
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The SportyMentor project seeks a more participatory process in changing children and young people with challenging behaviors. This includes children/young people aged between 13 and 19 who engage in behaviors that can be defined as “challenging” as they put them (or those around them) at risk, or lead to a worse quality of life.

Challenging behavior may include aggression, self-harm, destructiveness, disruption. Challenging behavior is often seen in people with health problems that affect communication and the brain, such as learning disabilities.

Adolescence represents a fundamental phase for the structuring and establishment of personality, constituting a critical period for the manifestation of mental and behavioral disorders.

The idea is to create a model that promotes and ensures that children/young people are heard in a child-friendly, positive and informal environment. We are working to reach children who are in the community or institutionalized. In France, for example, members of the Child Protection Commission of CNAPE (National Convention of Associations for the Protection of Children) estimate that 15-25% of children supported in child protection services are full-time residents of those services.

As highlighted in national and departmental guidance, it is essential to prevent the child, at the end of the period of care, from leaving the premises without appropriate support and solutions. Therefore, any program that aims to reinforce self-confidence, autonomy, the ability to make decisions, the ability to cooperate with others and pro-social behaviors is essential for the future of children when they leave the facility. . SportyMentor will support partners in overcoming some of these impacts and/or help us increase our mission of empowering organizations.